The Art of Compliance

Just another weblog

My brain online April 5, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — bajasclarke @ 1:39 am

Years ago, I interviewed for a compliance position at a medical device firm.  My interviewer, a Director within the R&D group, bluntly stated during my interview that he had never met a compliance person with whom he had enjoyed working.  I assured him that compliance people aren’t all bad but recommended that, given his strong feelings, he should avoid being seated next to any of us at dinner parties.  He laughed in response but was clearly confused by my failure to be offended.  Years later, to my surprise and delight, the interviewer eventually became my boss and a true believer in the power of compliance. 

All compliance professionals worth their salt have received the offhand comment and backhanded compliment time and time again.   There is something very suspect about us compliance people.  It seems almost unfathomable that anyone would choose compliance as a career.  I have come to believe that compliance professionals are simply hardwired for the role.  Creating and sustaining a compliant culture is a labor of love…. more art than science.  Success requires stamina, finesse and a very thick skin. 

After more than 19 years in compliance, I have learned to greedily seek out the knowledge and experience of colleagues.  As I tackled new regulations, standards and business models, the knowledge shared by others has saved the day numerous times.  This blog is my way of returning the favor.


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